Referendum: Chad Counts Votes On New Constitution Promised By Junta

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Chad was in the midst of counting votes on Sunday following the closing of polls for a referendum on a new constitution.

The new constitution has been proposed by the country’s military rulers but faced opposition from several political figures.

The likelihood of the new constitution being approved seemed high, which could potentially lead to upcoming elections and the reinstatement of civilian governance.


However, many within Chad, including a significant portion of opposition groups and civil society, chose to boycott Sunday’s vote.

Opposition voices argue that the referendum aims to pave the way for the current transitional president, General Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno, to continue the legacy of a political “dynasty” initiated by his late father 33 years ago following a coup.

The “yes” camp, which seems assured of victory, orchestrated a well-funded campaign against a fragmented opposition that faced arrests, intimidation, and threats for over a year.

The capital, N’Djamena, was under heavy security presence, with posters supporting the “yes” vote plastered across walls.

The proposed constitution aims for a “unitary and decentralized state,” which resembles the one repealed by the military in 2021 and concentrates most power within the head of state

General Deby cast his vote near the presidential palace, expressing that every ballot symbolizes progress and stability for the nation.

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