Delta Monarchs Excited over the Release of Detained Ewu Urhobo Monarch

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The Chairman and Members of the Delta State Council of Traditional Rulers have commended president Bola Ahmed Tinubu , the Military High Command and Governor Sheriff Oborewori for their roles in facilitating the release of the Traditional Ruler of Ewu — Urhobo, Clement Ikolo from military detention over the killing of 17 soldiers at Okuama community in Ughelli South Local Área of Delta State.

The Chairman of the Council and Orodje of Okpe, Major – General Felix Mujakpuero ,(Rtd) Orhue 1 gave the commendation in a communique at the end of their monthly meeting in Asaba.

The Delta Royal Fathers also applauded the Senators representing Delta South,Delta North and Delta central for spearheading the initiative for the release of the Ewu-Urhobo Monarch, saying  ‘’ we are indeed grateful to all those who played different roles at different quarters to enhance the early release of our colleague from detention the people of Ewu-Urhobo kingdom are excited about the good news’’.

‘’The three Senators representing the three senatorial districts did exceptionally well by visiting the military authorities and the Ewu Urhobo Monarch while in detention.’’

The Delta Monarchs pledged their unalloyed support to the Delta state towards the attainment of continued peace and security in the state and commended the Delta State Government for the amicable resolution of the age long boundary dispute between Aladja and Ogbe — Ijoh communities even as the Council appreciated the people of the affected communities for given peace a chance.

The Delta Royal Fathers passed a vote of confidence on the leadership of the council for their proactive approach to members welfare and over all wellbeing of Traditional Rulers in delta state.

The meeting was attended by the immediate past chairman of council and Obi of OWA kingdom Dr Emmanuel Efeizomor 11, the first vice chairman and Pere of Akugbene Mien, Kalanama V111 and the 2nd Vice Chairman and Obi of Ubulu- Unor , Agbogodi Henry Kikachukwu 1 among several others.

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